Open source community is so wonderful. My tiny custom component for Sencha Touch — Ext.ux.AccordionList is growing day by day thanks to their helps. Today, I want to introduce recent update of Ext.ux.AccordionList.
By the way, why I wrote this article in English although ariel-area’s main reader is Japanese? Lokesh and Vishal, Indian internship students who is working for Ariel, wrote the article in English. Maybe, I felt that I should write in English? Hmm,, I don’t know. Actually, this is just moods :p
Sencha Insights:
Do you know Sencha Insights? This is a e-mail based news magazine which published by Sencha.Inc. It’s a good source because it was curated the best news from around the interwebs by Sencha.Inc. If you are interested in, you can subscribe it from follows sites.
Sencha Insights:
And lucky to me, Sencha Insights introduced my custom component in news #6. It would be nice announcement of Ext.ux.AccordionList, then I got a some new users of this.

New feature in 1.0.1:
Thanks to Sencha Insights, I got many patch for Ext.ux.AccordionLIst from open source community. Of Course, I welcome to these patch and merged them to the repository. Then I also added one other new feature. That’s why I released a new version and it was named 1.0.1.
1.0.1 has three new feature, Single expanded mode, Expand with animation, and Item count display. I describe them.
Single expanded mode
Special thanks to Istenes. This mode have list can expand only one item at a time.
Expand with animation
Special thanks to freedomson. This is a simple drop down folding animation.
Item count display
This is new feature that I implemented. It shows child item’s count in the header. Actually, I’ve always wanted to implement this.
Of course these feature are just a optional. You can set the config whether it use or not by singleMode option, animation option, showCount option.
I took the movie to introduce these feature. I’m happy if you watched it.
Social coding, it’s so enjoyable and it gives me a special feature I’ve never thought. Thanks to many friends!
See Also: