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Re:コマンド入力を実装しよう inoue 2007-08-14
Document Actions

LDRize + iframe



  • 『i』キーを押すと、iframeでその場にページを開きます

  • iframe内のページはSpace, Shift-Spaceキーでスクロールできます
  • 1番目の項目は自動で開いてFeeling Lucky♪ (Googleのみ有効)




  • iframe内に開いた異なるドメインのサイトは、セキュリティ上JavaScriptによる操作はできない
  • 今回はスクロールしたいだけだったので、以下のような感じでおk
addEventListener(document, 'keydown', function(e){
if(e.keyCode == 32){
setTimeout(function(){ window.focus() }, 0);
}, false);
  • ただし上のはカレント項目がiframeで開かれているときのみ発動させる
  • I'm Feeling Luckyがウザい人はLDRize.initの最後の一行を削除でおk
  • 以下のパッチを各自よくみて、自己責任でお願いします


*** 11562.user.js	2007-10-31 01:20:50.000000000 +0900
--- ldrize.user.js 2007-10-31 01:23:38.000000000 +0900
*** 16,21 ****
--- 16,22 ----
'S-j' : 'NextPage',
'S-k' : 'PrevPage',
'v' : 'View',
+ 'i' : 'Iframe',
'p' : 'Pin',
'o' : 'Open',
'l' : 'List',
*** 31,36 ****
--- 32,38 ----
'NextPage' : 'Scroll next page',
'PrevPage' : 'Scroll prev page',
'View' : 'Open in current tab',
+ 'Iframe' : 'Open in iframe',
'Pin' : 'Pin',
'Open' : 'Open pinned items or current item',
'List' : 'Toggle pinned items list',
*** 199,204 ****
--- 201,207 ----

LDRize._enable = true;
+ document.addEventListener('keydown', LDRize.focusOnIframe, false);
document.addEventListener('keypress', LDRize.handleKey, false);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(){LDRize.invisibleRemove(LDRize.invisiblelist)}, true);
*** 216,221 ****
--- 219,225 ----
css += LDRize.setCSS();
css += LDRize.initSpace();
if(css != '') addStyle(css);
+ if(window.document.URL.match(/http:\/\/.*google.*\/.*/)) LDRize.viewCurrent('iframe');
initBindCommand : function(){
*** 224,229 ****
--- 228,235 ----
LDRize.bindNextPage = LDRize.scrollNextPage;
LDRize.bindPrevPage = LDRize.scrollPrevPage;
LDRize.bindView = function(){LDRize.viewCurrent('here')};
+ LDRize.bindIframe = function(){LDRize.viewCurrent('iframe')};
+ LDRize.bindIframeFocus = LDRize.iframeFocus;
LDRize.bindPin = LDRize.attachPin;
LDRize.bindOpen = LDRize.openPinned;
LDRize.bindList = LDRize.togglePinList;
*** 758,763 ****
--- 764,771 ----
if(LDRize.css_highlight_link) css += "\n.gm_ldrize_link {" + LDRize.css_highlight_link + "}";
if(LDRize.css_highlight_pinned) css += "\n.gm_ldrize_pinned {" + LDRize.css_highlight_pinned + "}";
css += ".gm_ldrize_invisible { visibility:hidden; }";
+ css += ".gm_ldrize_iframe { border:3px ridge #6f6 !important; }";
+ css += ".gm_ldrize_iframe iframe { width:100% !important; min-height:200px !important; border:none !important; }";
return css;

*** 1091,1101 ****
--- 1099,1133 ----
}else if(type=='here'){
window.location.href = url;
+ }else if(type=='iframe'){
+ if(!LDRize.current_parapraph) return;
+ var node = LDRize.current_parapraph.lastChild;
+ if(!node || (node.nodeType == 1 && node.className.match(/gm_ldrize_iframe/))) return;
+ if(url.match(/.pdf$/)){ LDRize.viewCurrent('here'); return; }
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ div.setAttribute('class', 'gm_ldrize_iframe');
+ var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
+ = (window.innerHeight - LDRize.current_parapraph.offsetHeight - 25) + ' !important;';
+ iframe.src = url;
+ iframe.addEventListener('load', function(){ window.focus() }, false);
+ div.appendChild(iframe);
+ LDRize.current_parapraph.appendChild(div);

+ // space
+ focusOnIframe : function(event) {
+ if(event.keyCode != 32) return;
+ if(/input|textarea/i.test( return;
+ if(!LDRize.current_parapraph) return;
+ var node = LDRize.current_parapraph.lastChild;
+ if(!node || node.nodeType != 1 || !node.className.match(/gm_ldrize_iframe/)) return;
+ node.firstChild.contentWindow.focus();
+ setTimeout(function(){ window.focus() }, 0);
+ },
// ?
toggleHelpMessage : function(){
return (LDRize.hideHelpMessage() || LDRize.showHelpMessage());

ldrize.patch ldrize.patch
Size 3.8 kB - File type text/x-patch
ldrize.user.js ldrize.user.js
Size 55.0 kB - File type application/x-javascript
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