- ローカルのネットワークデバイス(アダプタ)の列挙(ipconfig /all 相当)
- IPv4のローカルアドレス
- IPv6のローカルアドレス(*)
/* sample code: how to get the local network addresses * 1. enumerate local network adapters * 2. get local IPv4 address * 3. get local IPv6 address (requires WinXP later) */ #include <winsock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include <iptypes.h> #include <iphlpapi.h> /* * Do almost the same task as ipconfig /all */ static void enum_local_nic() { IP_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = &adapterInfo; ULONG ulOutBufLen = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO); DWORD dwRetVal; /* Make an initial call to GetAdaptersInfo to get The necessary size into the ulOutBufLen variable */ if ((dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen)) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pAdapterInfo = malloc(ulOutBufLen); // XXX should be free dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen); } if (dwRetVal == NO_ERROR) { PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapter; for (pAdapter = pAdapterInfo; pAdapter; pAdapter = pAdapter->Next) { /* XXX take care of only the first IP address */ printf("address: %s\n", pAdapter->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String); printf("netmask: %s\n", pAdapter->IpAddressList.IpMask.String); printf("adapter name: %s\n", pAdapter->AdapterName); printf("adapter description: %s\n", pAdapter->Description); { char *physic = malloc(3 * pAdapter->AddressLength); char *pt = physic; UINT i; sprintf(pt, "%02X", pAdapter->Address[0]); pt += 2; for (i = 1; i < pAdapter->AddressLength; i++) { sprintf(pt, "-%02X", pAdapter->Address[i]); pt += 3; } printf("physical address: %s\n", physic); free(physic); } } } } static int is_unavail_addr(const struct sockaddr_in *sa) { if (sa->sin_addr.s_addr == 0) { return TRUE; } if (sa->sin_family == AF_INET) { if (sa->sin_addr.s_net == 0) {/* @see rfc3330 */ return TRUE; } if (sa->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 == 169 && sa->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 == 254) {/* @see rfc3330 (link local) */ return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* derived from */ static int get_local_address() { INTERFACE_INFO if_list[20]; unsigned long ret_bytes; int num_if; int n; int ret = FALSE; SOCKET sd = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (sd == SOCKET_ERROR) { return FALSE; } if (WSAIoctl(sd, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, NULL, 0, &if_list, sizeof(if_list), &ret_bytes, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(sd); return FALSE; } closesocket(sd); num_if = ret_bytes / sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO); for (n = 0; n < num_if; ++n) {/* output for debug */ struct sockaddr_in *sa = (struct sockaddr_in*)&(if_list[n].iiAddress); if (sa->sin_family == AF_INET) { const char* addr_str = inet_ntoa(sa->sin_addr); printf("Local IP address: %s[iiFlags:%x]\n", addr_str, if_list[n].iiFlags); } } /* select better address */ for (n = 0; n < num_if; ++n) { struct sockaddr_in *sa; if (!(if_list[n].iiFlags & IFF_UP)) { continue; } if (if_list[n].iiFlags & IFF_LOOPBACK) { /* If there is a loopback address only, use it */ if (n != num_if - 1) { continue; } } sa = (struct sockaddr_in*)&(if_list[n].iiAddress); if (is_unavail_addr(sa)) { continue; } switch (sa->sin_family) { case AF_INET: printf("address %s\n", inet_ntoa(sa->sin_addr)); printf("netmask %s\n", inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in*)&if_list[n].iiNetmask)->sin_addr)); ret = TRUE; goto done; case AF_INET6: /* TODO */ goto done; } } done: return ret; } static int get_local_address_v6() { DWORD ret; IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES addr[256];/* XXX */ ULONG len = sizeof(addr); ret = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET6, 0, NULL, addr, &len); if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *padap = &addr[0]; do { IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS *uni = padap->FirstUnicastAddress; if (!uni) { continue; } do { SOCKET_ADDRESS addr = uni->Address; struct sockaddr_in6 *sa; if (!(uni->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_DNS_ELIGIBLE)) { continue; } sa = (struct sockaddr_in6*)addr.lpSockaddr; // assert(sa->sin6_family == AF_INET6); // int sz = 40; // *ret_ip = apr_malloc(mp, sz); // apr_inet_ntop(sa->sin6_family, &sa->sin6_addr, (char*)*ret_ip, sz); return TRUE; } while ((uni = uni->Next)); } while ((padap = padap->Next)); } return FALSE; } static int init_winsock() { #define WSAHighByte 2 #define WSALowByte 0 int iVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(WSAHighByte, WSALowByte); WSADATA wsaData; return WSAStartup((WORD) iVersionRequested, &wsaData); } int main(int arg, char **argv) { enum_local_nic(); /* no need to call WSAStartup() */ init_winsock(); get_local_address(); // get_local_address_v6(); return 0; }
> nmake local-address.exe > local-address
LIBS = wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib all : $(TESTS) .c.exe : $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $< link /out:$@ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) /subsystem:console $*.obj .cpp.obj : $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $< link /out:$@ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) /subsystem:console $*.obj