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Re:コマンド入力を実装しよう inoue 2007-08-14
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digg.direc.tor direc.torにdiggのデータを差し込んでみるテスト。Only Use Yahoo! Pipes & JavaScript.

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css">
<meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript">

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
 * JS prototyperrific object extensions
String.prototype.toDOM = function() {
	if (document.implementation.createDocument){
		var parser = new DOMParser();
		return parser.parseFromString(this, "text/xml");
	} else if (window.ActiveXObject){
		var dom = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
		return dom;

Array.prototype.indexOf = function(q) {
	var i = this.length;
	var output = -1;
	for(var i=0, x=this.length; i < x; i++) {
		if(this[i][0] == q) {
			output = i;
	return output;

Hash = function() {

 * XML/XSL utility classes (and no, Safari can't play)
jvXmlRequest = function() {
	this.adapter = false;
	/*@cc_on @*/
	/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
		try {
			this.adapter = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		} catch (e) {
			try {
				this.adapter = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			} catch (E) {
				this.adapter = false;
	@end @*/
	if (!this.adapter && typeof(XMLHttpRequest) != 'undefined') {
		this.adapter = new XMLHttpRequest();

jvXmlRequest.prototype.adapter = null;

jvXmlRequest.prototype.getDocument = function(sUrl) {"GET", sUrl, false);
	return this.adapter.responseXML;

jvXslProcessor = function() {

jvXslProcessor.prototype._proc = null;

jvXslProcessor.prototype.importStylesheet = function(sXsl) {
	if(document.implementation.createDocument) {
		this._proc = new XSLTProcessor();

	} else {
		var xslDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument");
		var xslTemplate = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XSLTemplate");
		xslDoc.async = false;
		xslTemplate.stylesheet = xslDoc;
		this._proc = xslTemplate.createProcessor();

jvXslProcessor.prototype.transformToFragment = function(xmlSource, domDocument) {
	if(xmlSource == null) return "";
	if(document.implementation.createDocument) {
		var fragment = this._proc.transformToFragment(xmlSource, domDocument);
		// create container and insert offline
		var tmpBox = document.createElement("div");
		return tmpBox.innerHTML;
	} else {
		this._proc.input = xmlSource;
		var rawXML = this._proc.output;
		return rawXML;

jvXslProcessor.prototype.getParameter = function(paramName, paramValue) {
	this._proc.getParameter(paramName, paramValue);


jvXslProcessor.prototype.setParameter = function(namespace, paramName, paramValue) {
	if(document.implementation.createDocument) {
		this._proc.setParameter(namespace, paramName, paramValue);
	} else {
		this._proc.addParameter(paramName, paramValue);


 * Direc.tor global super awesom-o class

jvDeliciousFinder = function() {

jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.tableBody = null;
jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.sortOrder = null;
jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.sortCol = null;
jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.query = null;
jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.xslProc = null;
jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.xmlReq = null;
jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.allPosts = null;
jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.hilite = true;

jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.init = function() {
	var start = new Date();
	var msg = "";

	// init vars
	this.tableBody = document.getElementById("ps");
	this.sortOrder = "ascending";
	this.sortCol = "diggs";
	this.xslProc = new jvXslProcessor();
	this.xmlReq = new jvXmlRequest();
	msg += "Init XML objects: " + ((new Date()) - start) + "\n";
	// get posts
	this.allPosts = xml_document;

	msg += "Get XML doc: " + ((new Date()) - start) + "\n";
	// get stylesheet
	msg += "Generate XSL: " + ((new Date()) - start) + "\n";
	// apply stylesheet to posts
	msg += "Apply stylesheet: " + ((new Date()) - start) + "\n";
	// list tags
	this.tagHash1 = this.getTagList();
	msg += "Generate tag list: " + ((new Date()) - start) + "\n";

jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.sort = function(column) {

	this.sortCol = column;
	this.xslProc.setParameter(null, "sortColumn", column);
	if (this.sortOrder == "descending")	{
		this.xslProc.setParameter(null, "sortOrder", "ascending");
		this.sortOrder = "ascending";
	} else {
		this.xslProc.setParameter(null, "sortOrder", "descending");
		this.sortOrder = "descending";

	// apply transform	
	var fragment = this.xslProc.transformToFragment(this.allPosts, document);
	if(fragment == "") fragment = "<p>Unable to load your bookmarks!</p>";
	// hilite terms on offline node
	if(this.hilite) this.tableBody.innerHTML = hlTerms(fragment, this.query, false);
	else this.tableBody.innerHTML = fragment;

	if(document.getElementById("c_" + this.sortCol) != null) {
		document.getElementById("c_" + this.sortCol).style.background = "#eec";


jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.filter = function(q) {
	// store current query
	this.query = q;
	if(this.query.length != -1) {
		// create new stylesheet based on query
		// re-establish stylesheet pararms
		this.xslProc.setParameter(null, "sortOrder", this.sortOrder);
		this.xslProc.setParameter(null, "sortColumn", this.sortCol);
		// apply transform
		var fragment = this.xslProc.transformToFragment(this.allPosts, document);
		if(fragment == "") fragment = "No bookmarks found.";
		if(this.hilite) this.tableBody.innerHTML = hlTerms(fragment, this.query, false);
		else this.tableBody.innerHTML = fragment;
		if(document.getElementById("c_" + this.sortCol) != null) {
			document.getElementById("c_" + this.sortCol).style.background = "#eec";


jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.generateXsl = function(query) {
	var terms, xslSelect;
	if(query.length > 0) {
		terms = query.split(" ");
		xslSelect = "";
		for(var i=0; i < terms.length; i++) {
			if(terms[i].substring(0,1) == "-") {
				if(terms[i].length > 1)
					xslSelect += " and (not(contains(translate(@tag,$lc,$uc),'" + terms[i].substring(1).toUpperCase() + "')) and not(contains(translate(@title,$lc,$uc),'" + terms[i].substring(1).toUpperCase() + "')))";
			} else if(terms[i].substring(0,2) == "t:") {
				xslSelect += " and contains(translate(@tag,$lc,$uc),'" + terms[i].substring(2).toUpperCase() + "')";
			} else if(terms[i].substring(0,2) == "d:") {
				xslSelect += " and contains(translate(@title,$lc,$uc),'" + terms[i].substring(2).toUpperCase() + "')";
			} else {
				xslSelect += " and (contains(translate(@tag,$lc,$uc),'" + terms[i].toUpperCase() + "') or contains(translate(@title,$lc,$uc),'" + terms[i].toUpperCase() + "'))";
		xslSelect = "post[" + xslSelect.substring(5) + "]";
	} else {
		xslSelect = "post";
	var output = '<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">';
	output += '<xsl:param name="sortOrder" />';
	output += '<xsl:param name="sortColumn" />';
	output += '<xsl:param name="lc" select="\'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\'" />';
	output += '<xsl:param name="uc" select="\'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\'" />';
	output += '<xsl:template match="posts">';
	output += '		<table>';
	output += '		<colgroup><col style="width: 1%" /><col style="width: 69%" /><col style="width: 15%" /><col style="width: 15%" /></colgroup>';
	output += '		<thead>';
	output += '		<tr>';
	output += '			<th></th>';
	output += '			<th id="c_title" onclick="rd.sort(\'title\')">Title</th>';
	output += '			<th id="c_tag" onclick="rd.sort(\'tag\')">Tags</th>';
	output += '			<th id="c_diggs" onclick="rd.sort(\'diggs\')">Diggs</th>';
	output += '		</tr>';
	output += '		</thead>';
	output += '		<tbody>';
	output += '<xsl:for-each select="' + xslSelect + '">';
	output += '		<xsl:sort select="@*[name() = $sortColumn]" order="{$sortOrder}" />';
	output += '		<xsl:if test="position() &lt; 100">';
	output += '		<tr onmouseover="hl(this)" onmouseout="nl(this)">';
	output += '			<td>';
	output += '				<a href="{@href_digg}" title="Check digg comment" class="x">digg</a>';
	output += '				<br />';
	output += '				<a href="{@href}" title="Check comment" class="x"></a>';
	output += '			</td>';
	output += '			<td>';
	output += '				<a href="{@href}" title="{@description}" target="_blank"><xsl:value-of select="@title" /></a>';
	output += '				<br />';
	output += '				<xsl:value-of select="@extended"/>';
	output += '			</td>';
	output += '			<td><xsl:value-of select="@tag" /></td>';
	output += '			<td><xsl:value-of select="@diggs"/></td>';
	output += '		</tr>';
	output += ' 	</xsl:if>';
	output += '</xsl:for-each>';
	output += '		</tbody>';
	output += '	</table>';
	output += '</xsl:template>';
	output += '</xsl:stylesheet>';


jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.getTagList = function(tagList) {
	var xpath = "";
	if(tagList) {
		var tagArray = tagList.split(" ");
		for(var i=0; i < tagArray.length; i++) xpath += " and contains(string(@tag),'" + tagArray[i] + "')";
		xpath = "//posts/post[" + xpath.substring(5) + "]";
	} else {
		xpath = "//posts/post";

	// get xml nodes
	var nodes;
	if(document.all) {
		this.allPosts.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
		nodes = this.allPosts.selectNodes(xpath);
	} else {
		// var nodeSet = this.allPosts.evaluate(xpath, this.allPosts, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
		var nodeSet = new XPathEvaluator().evaluate(xpath, this.allPosts, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
		nodes = new Array();
		for(var i=0, ix=nodeSet.snapshotLength; i < ix; i++) nodes.push(nodeSet.snapshotItem(i));
	// init new hashtable
	var tagHash = new Hash();
	// loop through all tag lists
	for(var i=0, x = nodes.length; i < x; i++) {

		// split the entry tag list
		var tags = nodes[i].getAttribute("tag").split(" ");
		var len = tags.length;
		var j = len - 1;
		do {
			var tmpHash = null;
			if(tagHash[tags[j]]) {
				// get the current hash, and update all the tag counts
				tmpHash = tagHash[tags[j]];
				for(var k=0; k < len; k++) {
					if(tmpHash[tags[k]]) tmpHash[tags[k]] = tmpHash[tags[k]] + 1;
					else tmpHash[tags[k]] = 1;
			} else {
				// create new subhash of the current tagname
				tmpHash = new Hash();
				for(var k=0; k < len; k++) tmpHash[tags[k]] = 1;

			tagHash[tags[j]] = tmpHash;
		} while(j--);


	return tagHash;
} = function() {
	if(this.hilite) this.hilite = false;
	else this.hilite = true;

jvDeliciousFinder.prototype.editLink = function(url) {
	var userName = document.cookie.match(/_user=(\w+)%20/i);
	if(userName == null) {
		alert("You must be logged into first.");
	} else {'' + userName[1] + '?noui=yes&jump=close&url='+escape(url), 'delicious', 'toolbar=no,width=700,height=250');
	return false;

 * View controller stuff, that really should go somewhere else

function hlTerms(bodyText, searchText) {
	if(searchText == null || searchText =="" || searchText.length == 1)	return bodyText;
	searchArray = searchText.split(" ");
	for (var i = 0; i < searchArray.length; i++) {
		if(searchArray[i].substring(1,2) == ":") searchArray[i] = searchArray[i].substring(2);
		if(searchArray[i].length > 1) {
			bodyText = hlTerm(bodyText, searchArray[i], i % 5);
	return bodyText;

function hlTerm(bodyText, searchTerm, seq) {
	var newText = "";
	var i = -1;
	var lcSearchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
	var stLen = searchTerm.length;
	var lcBodyText = bodyText.toLowerCase();
	var p = 10000;
	do {
		i = lcBodyText.indexOf(lcSearchTerm, i+1);
		if (i < 0) {
			newText += bodyText;
		} else {
			if (bodyText.lastIndexOf(">", i) >= bodyText.lastIndexOf("<", i)) {		// skip anything inside an HTML tag
				newText += bodyText.substr(0, i) + "<span class=\"st" + seq + "\">" + bodyText.substr(i, stLen) + "</span>";
				bodyText = bodyText.substr(i + stLen);
				lcBodyText = lcBodyText.substr(i + stLen);
				i = -1;
	} while(--p)
	return newText;

/* the mouseover highlighting */
function hl(what) { = "#eee"; }
function nl(what) { = ""; }

/* the tag browser painter */
function paintBrowser(tag, level) {
	var tagHash = rd.getTagList(tag);
	if(!tag) tag = "";
	var output = "";
	var ta = new Array();
	for(key in tagHash) {
		if(tag.indexOf(key) < 0)
		ta.push([key, tagHash[key][key]]);
	lvl = level + 1;
	for(var i=0, x=ta.length; i < x; i++) {
    if (ta[i][0].length > 1 && ta[i][1] > 2)
		output += '<p onclick="selectTag(this,\'' + (tag?tag+' ':'') + ta[i][0] + '\',' + lvl + ')">'
				 + ta[i][0] + ' <span class="c">(' + ta[i][1] + ')</span></p>';
	document.getElementById('br' + level).innerHTML = output;

function selectTag(obj, tags, level) {
	var q = "t:" + tags.replace(/( )/g, " t:");
	document.getElementById("q").value = q
	rd.filter(q, level);
	for(var i=level;i<7;i++) {
		document.getElementById("br" + i).innerHTML = "";

	paintBrowser(tags, level);
	var nodes = document.getElementById("br" + (level == 1 ? 1 : level - 1)).getElementsByTagName("p");
	for(var i=0,ix=nodes.length; i < ix; i++) {
		nodes[i].style.backgroundColor = "";
	} = "#fd2";

 * ...and finally, page initialization stuff that has been stuffed to the
 * bottom of this page.

var rd = new jvDeliciousFinder();

function start() {
	paintBrowser(null, 1);
	document.getElementById("h").checked = rd.hilite;

function before_start() {
	var js = document.createElement("script");
	js.language = "javascript";
	js.src = "";

var xml_document = null;
function json2xml(json) {
	xml_document = (document.implementation.createDocument) ? document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null) :  new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
	var posts = xml_document.createElement('posts');
	for (var i = 0, len = json.count; i < len; i++) {
		var item = json.value.items[i];
		var post = xml_document.createElement('post');
		post.setAttribute('href_digg', item.href);
		post.setAttribute('title', item.title);
		post.setAttribute('description', item.description);
		post.setAttribute('tag', item.tag[0].content);
		while (item.diggs.length < 5) item.diggs = ' '+item.diggs;
		post.setAttribute('diggs', item.diggs + ' diggs');


window.onload = before_start;

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th { text-align: left; background: #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #fff; padding: 3px; font-size: .7em; }
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#br2 { left: 200px; }
#br3 { left: 400px; }
#br4 { left: 600px; }
#br5 { left: 800px; }
#br6 { left: 1000px; }

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#ft { font-size: .7em; color: #666; }

  <form onsubmit="return(false)">
    <img src="../images/director-log.gif" width="210" height="22" alt="Digg Director" style="float:left;padding:2px 10px 0 0" />
    <input id="q" name="q" type="text" size="60" onkeyup="rd.filter(this.value)" autocomplete="off" />
    <input type="checkbox" id="h" checked="checked" onchange="" /><label for="h">Highlight Terms</label>
  <h2>Tag Browser</h2>
  <div id="browser">
    <div id="br1" class="browserPane"></div>
    <div id="br2" class="browserPane"></div>
    <div id="br3" class="browserPane"></div>
    <div id="br4" class="browserPane"></div>
    <div id="br5" class="browserPane"></div>
    <div id="br6" class="browserPane"></div>
  <h2 id="summary">Stories</h2>
  <div id="ps"><p>digging popular stories in technology...</p></div>
  <p id="ft">&copy; 2005 Johnvey Hwang. <a href="" target="_blank"> direc.tor project page</a>. Released under the <a href="" target="_blank">GPL</a>.</p>

Copyright(C) 2001 - 2006 Ariel Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.